Other Services Offered

Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang is a specialised form of deep abdominal detox massage from the Taoist tradition. It is a powerful healing modality to help release blocks in the abdominal organs and restore optimal digestive function.


Seifu is a simple yet effective naturalhealing therapy, created in Japan where it is now recognised as a therapeutic healing technique. The technique works on body by ‘lifting’ the skin along certain meridian points, creating ‘space’ at the epidermis. This promotes blood circulation, fluidity and oxygenation in the body.

Family Constellations

Family Constellations are often used to address a wide range of personal and interpersonal issues, including relationship problems, emotional difficulties, and even physical ailments. The approach is rooted in the belief that when family dynamics are resolved or acknowledged, individuals can experience greater emotional well-being and personal growth.
